what was eminem addicted to

That’s probably my biggest weapon mixed with lyricism. The “heaviest” period of drug addiction spanned five years of his life, and he hit a rough patch after his D12 bandmate Proof died. “I had fuckin’ 10 drug dealers at one time that I’m getting my shit from. Seventy-five to 80 Valiums a night, which is a lot,” what was eminem addicted to he added.

  1. “That was the end of the love affair with me and cocaine.”
  2. “I didn’t take anything hard until I got famous,” he continued.
  3. He stressed that it’s important for rappers to study what’s going on in hip-hop, and that it would foolish for him to ignore what some of the best rappers out are doing.
  4. ““It took a long time for my brain to start working again,” Em said of his accidental overdose on methadone.

There are a lot of building blocks and things that had to fall in place for things to go the way they did for me and if you take one of those pegs out, the whole fuckin’ thing would’ve fallen down. In an appearance on the new episode of Paul Rosenberg’s Paul Pod podcast Thursday, Eminem, 49, and Rosenberg, his longtime manager, recalled the rapper’s recovery from the overdose, which the pair agreed he almost did not survive. Eminem’s near-fatal drug overdose in 2007 was a wake-up call that not only inspired him to get sober, but pushed him to have “fun with music again” for the first time in years. He’s known as one of the greatest rappers of all time.

Eminem acknowledged that all the pain he was feeling seemed to go away after taking the pill. Eminem—born Marshall Bruce Mathers III in St. Joseph, Missouri on October 17, 1972—is a rapper, music producer, songwriter, record executive, and actor who rose to fame in the late 1990s with the release of his second album The Slim Shady LP. In 2018, she recalled battling her addictions to sex and alcohol. The Fight Club star spent years struggling with alcohol before Cooper helped him get sober.

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At the beginning of my career, I had this whole canvas that I could paint on. “I haven’t made a song about this, this, this. I can make a song about this.” The more you paint on that canvas, all of the sudden, you’ve made a song about every single thing you can fuckin’ possibly think of. If I had a choice between being the best rapper or making the best albums, I’d rather be the best rapper. Obviously, all of that is subjective, and everybody’s got their favorite rappers, but in my head, I would rather do that than just make good songs.

Inside Eminem’s History With Drugs

With the hindsight he has today, Eminem has been able to take a much more sober (no pun intended) look at that difficult time in his life. In a 2022 interview on the Paul Pod podcast, Eminem explained to longtime record executive Paul Rosenberg about what his recovery from his overdose was like. In the early 2000s, Eminem was at the top of his game. But at the same time, his long days of work led him to develop an addiction to prescription drugs, including Ambien, Vicodin, and Valium.

what was eminem addicted to

Eminem discusses drug addiction and overdose in new documentary

I didn’t get my own house until the second album. I wasn’t sure before then if this was a one-time thing, but I had people knocking on the door and I realized that it was getting crazy. That was one of the inspirations for writing “Stan.” It was like, These people are actually looking up to me?

And after quitting the drug, he soon turned to alcohol—only to also quit that dependency. The star of Hunt for Red October does not often speak to his sobriety journey, which began almost forty years ago. After all, the Grammy winner shared that he has been sober for 16 years. “It was my decision to get clean,” Eminem raps on the 2010 track.

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