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Was I Roofied? Understanding the Signs and Seeking Help

When ingested, they can cause sedation, memory loss, and muscle relaxation, rendering the victim vulnerable to exploitation. Roofie refers to a class of drugs that are commonly used to facilitate sexual assault or robbery. The most notorious of these drugs is Rohypnol, a sedative-hypnotic medication. However, other substances like GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate) and Ketamine are also used for similar purposes. They may conduct a urine or blood test to detect the…

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‎The Kingdom Minded Mompreneur: Episode 28 : Sobriety, Health, Mindset & More with Becky Brossett on Apple Podcasts

Mixed with just the right amount of curiosity and boredom, this quickly led to binge drinking and using harder drugs. By the time I was 21, I was addicted to alcohol and cocaine. Reach out for help, there are millions facing the same addictions and the same struggles; you are NOT alone and 2. From your peers and others who are now in recovery tell you how good it truly gets. Dear…

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Create Your Own Zero-Proof Spirits and DIY Alcohol Substitutes

It is rich in probiotics which can help foster healthy gut flora, support the immune system, and reduce inflammation. Because these drinks can contain some alcohol and mimic the experience of drinking alcohol, they may not be appropriate for people with substance/alcohol use disorder. Nonalcoholic alternatives, such as mocktails, may allow you to taste more subtle flavors that would normally be masked by the kick of alcohol. Mixing different tastes,…

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Scientists prove alcohol increases the body’s speed of ageing

When you can’t reach for a drink, you might feel unfocused or irritated. Alcohol abuse in older people has become more common in the past few decades. Alcohol is now the most abused substance among people over 65. Alcoholism is often overlooked or misdiagnosed in older people. Depressive symptoms like insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety can mimic those of alcoholism. Register for an enhanced, personalized experience. The study looked at…

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What is the Life Expectancy of an Alcoholic?

Understanding this genetic basis can open up potential avenues for targeted interventions and treatments, which could ultimately influence the lifespan of those struggling with alcoholism. Specifically, the genes that contribute the most to the risk for alcoholism and alcohol consumption are alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). The variants ADH1B48His and ADH1B370Cys metabolize ethanol at higher rates than ADH1B1, and ALDH2504K has a protective effect against alcohol…

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10 Common Traits of People Raised by Narcissists

When there are things so awful that they can’t be talked about, you feel there is something awful about you and that you’ll be judged and cast away. When you feel unworthy, you cant love yourself and you cant let others love you either. Some individuals have both Narcissistic Personality Disorder and an active addiction. Coping with someone with a dual diagnosis can be more difficult than if that person…

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12 Thoughtful One Year Sober Gifts to Celebrate a Milestone in Recovery

From stylish t-shirts and cozy hoodies to trendy hats, our apparel allows individuals to proudly showcase their commitment to recovery. If someone you know is in the car a lot for long commutes or for work, audiobooks can be a great distraction that is also inspiring. There are other platforms — some offer monthly memberships, and others have gift certificates. Either way, one small gesture could spark a new hobby…

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